Center of the Holidays: Dining Room Styles


It's the time of year for warm gatherings, holiday cheer, delicious meals, and making memories with family and friends. At the center of all this joyful merrymaking is the dining room. No matter what different traditions each family celebrates with, almost all of them culminate in sitting down together for a beautiful dinner.

While dining room styles have evolved a lot throughout each era, they will always be a mainstay of most floorplans. It doesn't matter if you prefer a traditional and formal space or an open and relaxed atmosphere; we all need a place to eat each day.

The diversity of lifestyles and preferences that we see among our clients is one of the fascinating parts of what we do. We've created elegant classic dining rooms, kid-friendly eat-in kitchens, and everything in-between! The bottom line is, much like there's no right or wrong way to celebrate the holidays, there's no one ideal dining room design. It's all about what works for you

.In honor of the holiday season, we've pulled together a bunch of our favorite spaces for celebrating. Take a look, and comment below on your most beloved festive foods and family traditions!
