Faces of Pamela Park: Physical Culture(v)


The unique community that surrounds your home plays a vital role in shaping your family's life. From amenities to schools to culture, a multitude of factors impact your everyday lifestyle. One such variable? A thriving small business scene. A distinct small business landscape is the icing on the cake. The magic ingredient that transforms an assembly of adjacent addresses into a neighborhood. To celebrate the innovative small businesses that make Edina feel like home, we decided to highlight a few of our favorites on our blog. The first lovely business that we're excited to feature is Physical Culture(v)!

A cutting-edge group fitness studio created by the intrepid team of Angie Bartness and Mike Collins, the desire to create a community of support is the heart of Physical Culture(v)'s mission. Seeing clients transform their lives, chase their dreams, and achieve their fitness goals is what motivates their entire staff. Co-owner Angie states it best, "We are helping people become healthier, happier, and [more] confident human beings while creating [opportunities for] connection. What could be more important than that?" Amen to that, Angie!


Ironically, although Angie's background is in personal training, her and Mike's original vision was to open a pizza and wine bar. As fate would have it, their restaurant plans never came to fruition. However, they remained committed to helping revitalize the strip mall Physical Culture(v) calls home. They saw the storied Edina location as a true diamond in the rough and respected the integrity, honesty, and generosity of the property's landlord, Fred Allis.

Physical Culture(v) officially opened its doors on July 25, 2015! Angie credits their devoted group of fitness fanatics with the business's success. She insists that both the instructors and clients are on another level compared to other fitness studios, stating they are, "hands down the most loyal, dedicated and high-class group of people I have ever had the pleasure to know." The instructors push their clients to pursue their goals with vigor but accompanied by equal measures of compassion and warmth.

A day in the life of this bustling studio begins at the groggy hour of 4:45 am. Indeed, the morning crew's devotion is so hardcore that classes typically amass waitlists the day they're posted! Throughout the day, clients and instructors can often be found greeting each other and catching up on each other's lives. The club truly inspires a culture of connection and support. If you live in the area, we highly encourage you to give this Edina gem a try - you'll never enjoy wearing yourself out more!
