Giving Thanks: Elegant Dining Rooms


Though it may be hard to believe (seriously - where did the fall go?), Thanksgiving is only mere days away. As we daydream of mountains of mashed potatoes accompanied by rivers of gravy, we can't help but also think about where all of this feasting takes place: the dining room. Often forsaken for less formal settings, the dining room is the star of the show come November and December.

Formal dining rooms may warm the bench most of the season, but they're the team MVP once the playoffs hit! The winter holidays all revolve around large elaborate meals, don't they? From Thanksgiving feasts to Christmas buffets, each event centers around families gathering together at the table. There is something undeniably magical about hitting the pause button on everyday life and enjoying a meal together. No devices, no distractions, no outside world, just real face-to-face time with the people you love.

When we take the time to gather, to invest in sharing genuine community with our people; the dining room isn't just a backdrop, it's a sanctuary. In this sacred place, dinner transforms from a simple meal to precious memories. In celebration of the traditional formal dining room, we decided to feature some of our clients' loveliest spaces on our blog this month. Browse through them below and bask in these beautiful takes on this spot for classic family occasions.
